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Happy Women

Doula Mentorship Program

Becoming a successful Doula can be challenging.  We need more Doulas in the world.  We know that Doulas change lives and that birth outcomes & satisfaction are improved when Doulas are present. 

We also know firsthand the joy, honor, and power of witnessing the birth of a family. 

Our job is to help our families and you experience the benefits of having & being a Doula.


Our Doula Mentorship Program is designed to support Doulas who are just starting in their careers and are looking for guidance and support from experienced Doulas to help them succeed.


In this program, you will work with an experienced Doula team to gain confidence, knowledge, and begin working with clients.  Our team connects you with clients and walks you through the process of prenatal appointments, birth, and postpartum care. You will also join our community of Doulas and benefit from the support and knowledge of Doulas of all different experience levels.  Doula work is incredibly rewarding, and can be difficult and isolating - having community makes a huge difference.

ALL doulas in our program work collectively to bring learning, experience, wisdom, support, and nurturing to each other.



  • 3 births to count towards requirements for certification

  • Mentoring from experienced Doulas

  • Inclusion in our professional birth community



  • You MUST have successfully completed a Doula training. 

  • Postpartum & birth Doula mentees must attend virtual trainings in relevant areas of learning.

  • You must carry Doula insurance.

  • Limited slots are offered for mentoring.​

If a woman doesn't look like a Goddess during labor, then someone isn't treating her right.
- Ina May Gaskin
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