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Krystal Bacica - Nogales & Tucson

Birth & Bereavement Doula

My own labor and delivery experiences have inspired me to become a doula to educate moms of their options during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care. To help mothers make educated evidence based choices. I love all things birth, baby and motherhood!

I'm a 42 year old mom of 8 living children and 5 angel daughters. My motherhood journey has been amazing and I wouldn't change any of my pregnancies and births for anything. My own births in order are : normal head down vaginal birth, vaginal breech birth, c-section for breech after a failed ECV, intrauterine fetal demise at 25 wks VBAC, induced VBAC, induced VBAC, spontaneous labor VBAC, unmedicated spontaneous labor VBAC, and a termination for medical reasons at 13 wks 3 days. Last but not least April 5, 2024 I had my rainbow son at home. What an experience it was to freebirth! 

So I definitely feel equipped to handle any kind of birthing outcome with my clients as their doula. I look forward to helping you on your own motherhood journey. 

Certification and Training:

Stillbirthday Certified Birth and Bereavement Doula 6/22/22

Psychological First Aide 5/26/22

Spinning Babies Workshop 9/27/23


Using the TENS in Labor 7/15/23

Foundations for Health: Optimizing baby's gut microbiome 8/12/23

Breastfeeding Basics for Doulas 10/17/24

Intro to Childbirth for Doulas 10/18/24

Birth Doula Workshop 10/19/24

Krystal Bacica - Nogales & Tucson
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